There are many different ways to tell if someone is lying. A person who shuffles around while talking (i.e. shuffling their hands, swaying back and forth) is most likely not telling the truth. If you notice a person looking to the right often, they are probably lying, as they are using the right part of their brain to create a story a.k.a. their lie. When accused, a guilty person will attempt to convince you of their innocence at every oppurtunity. This is not a sure fire way to find a liar, but it is an option to consider. Finally, liars will often use longer sentences than those telling the truth, which ties in to the convincing idea. A truthful story will be short and sweet, where as a lie will be long, drawn out, and overdetailed.

I hope you have enjoyed these deductive tips! Leave a comment or email me at [email protected] with your own deductive tips
2/25/2015 09:17:41 am

Um, the right part of the controls the right side of the body. Unless, of course, you're talking about YOUR right side. Maybe you should specify.


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    Just a huge Sherlock Holmes fan who feels that TV shouldnt have all the fun.


    December 2012

